GOD'S PASSION FOR YOU (PART 3): Song of Songs 4:16-6:3. Part 3 of a teaching upon God's Passion for His children and what He desires most from them. The Gospel is indeed good news that brings wretches into a beautiful new intimate relationship with their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ and we behold His glory in amazement. But what about when the beauty of God begins to become common for you? What about when television, the internet, that time out hobby, Facebook, or maybe even just loose conversation with a group of friends till one o'clock in the morning talking about silly things becomes more attractive than the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who shed his own blood for your soul? How do we get back to where we need to be when our passion wanes? How do we return after having grieved God? A remarkable look at the love of God and His expectations from the Song of Songs, the 'Lover and His beloved'.